'pppp' cutter

Ada lima orang pemuda sedang menghadiri temuduga. Si penemuduga pula merupakan lelaki Inggeris yang langsung tak faham Bahasa Melayu. Oleh itu, khidmat penterjermah terpaksa diperlukan. Masuk lah lelaki pertama.

L.Inggeris: What's ur name?
Abu: My name is Abu Bakar bin Ali.
L.Inggeris: What is ur father occupation?
Abu: My father is a wood cutter.

Lelaki Inggeris itu memandang si penterjermah. Penterjermah cepat2 menjawab.

Penterjermah: It's mean that his father is a carpenter.
L.Inggeris: Ok, U may go now.

Maka keluarlah lelaki pertama tu dan masuklah lelaki kedua.

L.Inggeris: What's ur name?
Ismail: My name is Ismail bin Ishak.
L.Inggeris: What's is ur father occupation?
Ismail: He is a meat cutter.
Penterjermah: His father is a butcher.
L.Inggeris: I see. U can go now.

Lelaki kedua keluar kemudian lelaki ketiga pulak masuk.

L.Inggeris: Ur name please?
Dahlan: My name is Dahlan bin Zainuddin.
L.Inggeris: Ur father's job?
Dahlan: Hair cutter.
Penterjermah: Means that his father is a barber.
L.Inggeris: Ok. U may go.

Keluar lelaki ketiga then lelaki keempat pula masuk.

L.Inggeris:Tell me ur name?
Hafiz: My name is Hafiz bin Hashim.
L.Inggeris: What's ur father doing?
Hafiz: He is a grass cutter.
Penterjermah: I think he want to say that his father is a gardener.
L.Inggeris: Oh, I see. Ok, U can go.

Kemudian masuklah lelaki terakhir.

L.Inggeris:Tell me what is your name?
Karim: My name is Ahmad Karim bin Ahmad Kassim.
L.Inggeris: What's is your father occupation?
Karim: My father is a..... 'pppp' cutter. ( Teragak-agak nak jawab)

Lelaki Inggeris dan penterjermah berpandangan sesama sendiri. Tak faham agaknya.

L.Inggeris: What did u say?
Karim: I said my father is a 'pppp" cutter. (Dlm hati, kenapa lah bapak aku pilih pekerjaan yang susah nak disebut)
Penterjermah: Awak cakap lah dalam bahasa Melayu.
Karim: Bapak saya Tok Mudim.
L.Inggeris: What is it mean?
Penterjermah:Oh. His father is a..... 'pppp' cutter.

Lelaki Inggeris tu pula dah mula nak bengang.

L.Inggeris: I know the word 'cutter', but I don't understand what's 'pppp' mean?!!...

Penterjermah itu menunjukkan objek yang dipotong dan sekaligus menyebabkan lelaki Inggeris ketakutan dan bangun melarikan diri.


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