Tipah Tertelan Duit

Malam tu, sepasang suami isteri dah bersiap-siap nak masuk ke bilik tidur bila tiba-tiba mereka terdengar suara anak bongsu mereka menangis. Mereka pun pergi mendapat anak itu lalu bertanyakan kenapa dia menangis.. Si anak menjawab dia tertelan duit syiling lima sen dan sekarang dia takut akan mati sebab tertelan duit tu, lalu terus menangis teresak-esak.

Si ayah yang buntu nak memujuk anak itu tiba-tiba teringat duit dalam poket seluarnya lalu mengeluarkan duit lima sen. Kemudian si ayah berpura-pura membuat magik dan mengeluarkan duit lima sen dari telinga anaknya. "Ha, kan ayah dah keluarkan ni." Si anak teruja dan terus berhenti menangis. Sepantas kilat anak itu mengambil duit lima sen itu dan menelannya lalu berkata, "Buat lagi sekali ayah."

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None of the audio/visual content is hosted on this site. All media is embedded from other sites such as Google Video, YouTube, Megavideo, etc. Therefore; this site has no control over the copyright issues of the streaming media.

All issues concerning copyright violations should be aimed at the sites hosting the material. This site does not host any of the streaming media and the owner has not uploaded any of the material to the video hosting servers. Anyone can find the same content on Google Video or YouTube by them selves.

The owner of this site cannot know which movies, documentaries or cartoons are in public domain, which has been uploaded to e.g. google video by the owner and which has been uploaded without permission, and is therefore willing to remove any violating material immediately upon request. The copyright owner must further contact the source if he wants his material off the Internet completely.